Client Setup

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Revision as of 19:17, 29 July 2017 by Havatra (talk | contribs) (minority)
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In the .toml file you'll find all adjustable settings for Demonsaw. Everything from the encryption layer in a group, to which files you share.

Please note: Not all elements here are in your .toml file, and they don't need to! Titan will automatically create missing fields if changed in-app. And almost all attributes specified here are possible to change within the GUI.


user_colors defines {insert some smart sentence here}
active_tab defines which tab were last active when you close the app. Default = 0
auto_open defines whether tabs should be auto-opened when there's activity in them (e.g. download tab). Default = 1
statusbar defines whether the statusbar should be visible or not. Default = 1
timestamps defines whether timestamp should be visible or not. Default = 1
font_size defines the size of all texts in the app. Default = 13
theme defines the location of a CSS file to change the theme of Titan. Optional
upload_speed defines the throttling speed of uploads in Mbps. Default = 0 (no throttle)
download_speed defines the throttling speed of downloads in Mbps. Default = 0 (no throttle)
qt_geometry is just some Qt gibberish to remember the size and location of different windows. No need to change this.
qt_state is just some Qt gibberish to remember the size and location of different windows. No need to change this.


name is the name of your client.
threads defines the amount of concurrent threads the app will use when transferring files. Default = 4
enabled defines whether your client is enabled, and will automatically connect to the specified router once you open the app. Default = true
Note: this value will change depending on the state of your client when you close Titan. If your client is disconnected when you close the app, this value will become "false".
color defines the color of your client.


One [[client.share]] per folder/file shared.

path defines the location of the folder or file you want to share.
enabled defines whether you are actively sharing this file or folder when you are connected.


port is which port you will connect to. Default = 80
name is the local name of the router. Optional
enabled defines whether you'll connect or not when you start the app. Default = true
address is the address (either a URL or IP) E.g. or
password defines a password for connecting to the router. Wrong password will make the router refuse connection. Default = ""


mode {insert smart sentence here as well}
timestamp defines the time/date format to use in chat. 12H format: "%I:%M:%S %p" 24H format: "%H:%M:%S"
max_downloads defines the max number of concurrent file downloads. Default = 4
salt defines the salt to apply to the hashing of your shred files/folders. Optional
hash defines the type of hashing you want to use for you shared files/folders. Default = md5
buffer_size defines the amount of chunks your client requests to be buffered by the router. Default = 16
path defines the default downloads path for your client. If none is specified, Windows will use "C:/Users/user/Downloads", and Linux will use "something".
chunk_size defines the size (in bytes) of each chunk to request from uploaders.
Note: If you have a slow/intermittent connection, you should considering lowering this value. Default = 786432
max_uploads defines the max number of concurrent file uploads. Default = 4

One [[]] per layer of encryption. All layers will be combined for increased security. You will NOT join several groups with several layers!

enabled defines whether this certain layer is enabled and used or not. Default = true
cipher defines the type of cipher you want to use for this layer. Default = aes
percent defines the percent of the file/string/URL content you want to use. Nice to reduce when you have a large file. Default = 100.000
entropy defines the entropy of your layer. This can be a file, plain text string, or the content of a URL (HTTPS not supported (yet)). Required!
key_size defines the size of the key (in KB) used. Default = 256
salt defines the salt to be used along with the entropy in this layer. Optional
hash defines the type of hash to be used in this layer. Default = sha256
iterations defines the number of iterations for this layer. Note that the whole hashing/salting process is repeated for the entropy, therefore bigger sized entropy will take very long with more iterations. Default = 1


This is the options for the encryption of the session between you and the router.

cipher defines the type of cipher you want to use for this session. Default = aes
algorithm defines the type of algorithm to use when exchanging keys with the router. Default = dh
prime_size defines the size of your prime (in KB). Default = 128
key_size defines the size of the key (in KB). Default = 256
salt defines the salt to be used. Default = ""
hash defines the type of hash to use. Default = sha256
iterations defines the number of iterations for this encryption. Default = 1


This field is normally absent, and will continue to be so until further notice...